Ready to experience real love?

Learn how to build deep emotional connection with your man - in just 12 weeks!

Magic of Femininity

Do you feel lonely in your relationship?

  • Are you tired of endlessly snapping at each other and your home feeling like a cold war zone?

  • Are you longing for your partner to look at you with love and tenderness in his eyes, to take you out on romantic dates and surprise you with gifts?

  • Are you missing how it used to be - the laughter, the connection, the intimacy?

This is how I used to feel 4 years ago. I was at a breaking point in my relationship - I just couldn’t take the constant arguments and disconnection anymore!

Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to have a relationship where I felt truly loved as I am, where we would laugh a lot and have this super special bond that would connect us on a really deep level. I wanted to have a relationship where I was HIS PERSON - the one he wanted to share his hopes and dreams with, to build a life with and to bring flowers just because he felt like it. In other words, I wanted to be CHERISHED!

But what did I get? Resentment, loneliness, bickering and tension. I felt like my partner was constantly annoyed with me - and it broke my heart …

The Issue: Missing Emotional Connection

In good moments we had a really special connection, though, and so I wasn’t ready to give up! Instead, I went on a long journey to understand what he heck we were doing wrong…

Along the way I realised that the issue was missing emotional intimacy in our relationship. And so I invested over 1000 hours of research plus countless hours of intense inner work into finding the secret of how to create a deep emotional connection with my man. And I did! We are now 7 years together and have the most amazing, fun and loving relationship!

Throughout this process I started to teach my findings to other women and realised that this secret is applicable to 99% of men. There is a clear path of how to create deep emotional connection with men - and this is what you’ll learn here in my “Cherished Woman” coaching program!

I’m so passionate teaching this because I KNOW how heartbreaking it is to never receive the love you are craving for… But believe me, it is totally possible to turn your conflict-ridden relationship into a love-filled partnership full of laughter, dancing and intimate moments!

Magic of Feminity: Program Overview (12 Weeks)

Week 1-4: Return to your Natural Femininity

Femininity is the foundation of building emotional connection with your partner. Being in your feminine helps you relax, enjoy life more, access your own inner wisdom and shower yourself with praise and love. When we are in our feminine we become irresistible and we have a much easier time harmonising with the divine masculine.

Week 5-8: Re-create Emotional Connection

After you’ve realigned with your feminine core, we’ll focus on (re-)creating emotional connection in your relationship. You’ll learn a completely new way of being with men that feels awesome for both of you (that’s what I call “dance with the masculine”)! You’ll learn how to embody the golden rule of conscious relating to build emotional connection and intimacy on a daily basis.

Week 9-12: Uplevel through Divine Feminine & Masculine Principles

In the final part of the program, you’ll understand the real power that you have as a woman in your relationship. It’s a glorious feeling when you experience for the first time the truth about men: that they WANT to make you happy (or to say it in spiritual terms: the divine masculine wants to SERVE the divine feminine). And once you’re at this stage relating with men becomes easy - you’ll feel loved, appreciated, seen, heard, protected, charmed and wanted. In other words, you’ll experience the MAGIC OF FEMININITY!

About Veronika

Since 2019 I’ve been hearing the Divine Feminine calling me … She tells me that I need to help women awaken their inner divine feminine essence and learn how to dance with the divine masculine again!

When you join my coaching program, we’ll go on a deep dive together. It’s common for my clients to have breakthroughs about topics they were stuck with for years (or even decades) because in Human Design I’m a Reflector 3/5. This means that my aura acts like a mirror, helping you see yourself (your limiting beliefs, your emotional wounds, your fears) with clarity.

But don’t worry - we’re also gonna have a lot of fun together! We’ll approach the deep work with humour - this is the best way to not get stuck in an ego state and will help you detach from your old, limiting identity.

And please also know - yes, I’ve been professionally trained as a Coach and have done hours and hours of studying. However, my biggest professional “lab” is my own relationship (thanks to my amazing husband Matt who’s always willing to try out the new practices I’ve come up with!). This means what you’ll learn is PRACTICAL - it works in a real life setting and has been tried and tested!

This program is perfect for you, if:

⭐ You want to create a deep emotional connection with your partner.

⭐ You are no longer willing to settle for a lonely, resentful and joyless relationship.

⭐ You are ready to become a cherished woman - feel loved, protected and valued just as you are.

⭐ You are in a long term relationship, interested in spirituality, shadow work and psychology.

⭐ You want to understand and embody your divine feminine nature.

Client Testimonials:


Next Intake

Coming Soon

12 Weeks

Price: $1111

The heart of the program consists of twelve 1:1 coaching sessions. For this we’ll meet once per week online through Zoom. You’ll receive home assignments and I’ll be your accountability partner for following through with the practices.


  • The program is simple: 12 Weeks, 12 Coaching Sessions

    We’ll pick a weekly coaching session time and start working together in the beginning of April.

    We’ll track our progress through the coaching journey.

    Usually we’ll alternate between a “talk” coaching session and a “emotional healing” coaching session.

    You’ll receive home assignments in between sessions.

    You’ll have 24/7 email access to me for updating me on your progress or if you have questions in between sessions.

  • Each coaching journey follows the general path outlined above, however, the sessions will be specially designed to suit your individual needs.

    For example, some women struggle with constant conflicts in their relationships, while others are suffering from a lack of quality time - in both cases emotional connection will solve the problem but we’ll take different routes to get there!

    Furthermore, we’re also addressing your relationship problems both on the mental as well as the emotional level.

    On the mental level we’ll solve your issues from a logical perspective and you’ll learn fun and effective conscious practices to help you create deep emotional connection with your partner.

    On the emotional level we’ll heal the deeper emotional wounds that make you attract painful experiences and disconnection into your life so that your whole energetic field is purified and aligned towards receiving real intimacy and love.

  • No worries, we’ll find a time that works for both of us!

  • Yes! You can pay in 3 monthly instalments of $400.

  • I don’t offer a refund policy. If you’re in it, you’re in - I want full commitment 💗 Feel into yourself and make your decision from an intuitive place - am I the right person to work with? The answer is within you!

  • There is a lot of relationship advise out there that focuses on communication, finding compromises and establishing equality. Although some of it works, it is missing a crucial ingredient: Knowledge of divine masculine & feminine energies and it’s massive influence on relationship happiness! And this is exactly what I teach - it’s a no-nonsense approach to male-female relating that is based on making our spiritual and biological nature work for us - instead of constantly fighting against it (which mainstream relationship work teaches, unfortunately!).

  • This program is for women only. I understand that you might feel that you both need relationship coaching, however, in my experience women have much more power in relationships than men. What this means is that many of my clients report to me that their relationship completely transformed by taking part in this program without their partner even realising she was in it. This means that when you change, he’ll react to you - in incredibly positive ways.

    Additionally, what I’ve seen again and again in couple’s counselling is that the sessions become a fighting ground - and it’s actually one of the principles you’ll learn in this coaching program to NEVER talk badly about your partner in front of others - so couple’s counselling can potentially be very damaging for your relationship. The most successful couple’s programs I’ve seen separate the couple and do individual sessions with each of them to avoid this. But that only works if your man is fully on board. If this is the case I invite you to check out my program Alchemy of Love, which you can join as a couple.

    So what if you belong to the majority of women who’s partner really does not want to participate in any form of coaching, counselling or therapy?

    Join my program! Trust me, you can transform your relationship - you have the power! It will be a win-win for the both of you - you’ll feel loved and appreciated by him (through what you’ll learn in this program) and he’ll feel respected in his choice to not wanting to participate. In our culture there is this false myth that everything has to be 50/50. That’s not true and it doesn’t work in real life! Women are the shepherd of relationships since ancient times, it’s part of our divine feminine makeup. So let us be women and them be men - trust that you’ll have the power to get what you want. You’ll thank yourself for this leap of faith - I promise!

Change Your Life Forever: Take the first step today!

Make no mistake, this coaching program is a complete reprogramming of the way you live relationships. It’s a game changer because you’ll learn a groundbreaking mindset as well as highly applicable practices that are simply not taught in mainstream relationship help! You’ll belong to the 1% of women in the Western world who know these secrets and it will change your life forever - if you dare take this first step!


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